Prantsusesse minnes paki ka alkomeeter kaasa

Prantsusesse minnes paki ka alkomeeter kaasa

21.04.2012 18:13
New driving law in France

As of July 1st 2012 it will be mandatory for all cars in France to carry an alcohol breathalyzer test (éthylotest). This law applies to all motorists (with an exception of mopeds) driving on French roads, including those registered outside France. Drivers getting caught without a breathalyzer test in the vehicle after July 1st 2012, will get a fine of 11 euros.

In France the level of driving with alcohol in the blood is limited to 0.5 grams per liter, which is equal to 0,25 grams of alcohol per exhaled liter of air. Simple test kits can be bought from pharmacies, service stations and some supermarkets for less than 2 euros. These kits are usually good for two years (but they can only be used once).

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Moderaatorid: Ivar Kalev